Earth Day and its Significance – Go Green with Your Cars

Historical Perspective of the Earth Day

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Earth Day is one of the most highly celebrated environmental events across the world. Basically, the Earth Day is celebrated to applaud the versatility of our planet earth and to acknowledge the unbelievable biodiversity it keeps. Many campaigns on earth day spread awareness about the preservation of the natural environment and the importance of recycling of products to conserve energy. Earth has been polluted for years and earth day helps us understand the reasons for the deterioration of the climate of the earth. From the smoke of vehicles on road and industrial wastes to the destruction of natural habitat to facilitate construction of buildings and malls, everything has led to polluting the natural climate. Many people have realized that and tend to sell cars which are harmful for environment. Earth day presents an opportunity to strengthen one’s resolve to play one’s role in the preservation of Earth’s natural climate.

Earth Day and its Significance

Earth day, first became an international event on 21 March 1971 but later the date of this event was changed to 22 April by United Nations.  Over 1 Billion people around the world celebrate earth day each year and that makes for the largest civic observance of an event in the world. Earth day teaches all the stakeholders including the governments, environment departments and common people to play their small roles on the daily basis to control the levels of pollution on earth. One step in this regard should be to go green whether it’s about growing more trees or buying green vehicles. Green vehicles are not green in their colour but in their impact. These include the modern day hybrids, hydrogen fuel vehicles and electric vehicles.

Earth day is celebrated to spread awareness regarding protection of environment

Recent Climate Change on Earth and Its Reasons

The recent surge in rains, thunderstorms and hottest weather conditions in all parts of the world, and especially in the Middle East, is the result of the radical climate change caused by the deterioration of the natural habitat all around the world. You would hardly have heard of massive rains in the Middle East only a decade ago but it’s a bitter reality now. The Middle East has observed history’s worst floods and heavy rains in last few years showing that climate of the earth has changed for all bad reasons.

Following are some major reasons for the destruction of nature climate on earth:

Large Number of Vehicles on Road

The number of vehicles on the road has increased significantly in last few years which polluted the air with numerous poisonous gases emitted through the smoke of vehicles. It is better to switch for green cars and buy any car which is eco-friendly.

Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming

Greenhouse gases emitted through the use of chemicals in agriculture and industry, transportation and electric appliances have polluted the earth largely. These gases have caused the depletion of the ozone layer which has made earth vulnerable to heat and cancerous effects of ultraviolet rays.


Deforestation means cutting of trees on a large scale to expand the area for residence and commercial use. Deforestation has destroyed the natural environment and raised the levels of heat all around the world.

Over Population

This is arguably the biggest reason of all. Overpopulation can cause each of the above-mentioned problems that earth has faced in recent times. World bodies need to overcome the overpopulation issue as soon as possible to preserve the natural climate on earth.

Green Car Technology and Recycling of Products

The Green Car Technology is one of the most important initiatives taken in the last decade by the worldwide car manufacturers. It is significant to save the earth from gaseous emission from cars by the introduction of cars with electric, hybrid and hydrogen cell technologies. These cars either don’t use fuel or use it in very minute amount. The need of the hour is to increase the number of these cars with Green Technology so that the maximum fuel consumption can be reduced and emission of poisonous gases can be controlled. Other than this the recycling of products should be given more focus to save energy and reduce the amount of waste to keep the earth in best of its health.

Also read; RTA Dubai App Updated to Calculate Carbon Emissions and Transport Cost

Why Earth Day 2016 Matters for Car Owners in UAE

UAE is stepping up its efforts to help promote the use of eco-friendly vehicles. Recently, Ajman announced that it is going to offer Free-Parking to eco-friendly car owners. Once these legislations get drafted and implemented, the eco-friendly car owners will not only be entitled to free parking in Ajman, but they will also be offered, additional benefits. Dubai and other states in UAE are in process of drafting similar incentives for people who decide to go green with their cars.

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